9. Mesh Plotting

As well as the interactive plotting functionality provided by GeoPlot, Meshiphi also contains a built-in plotting class mesh_plotter that allows the user to produce static plots of a given environmental mesh.

class meshiphi.mesh_plotting.mesh_plotter.MeshPlotter(mesh_json, figscale=10)

Object for plotting mesh json files using matplotlib and cartopy.

__init__(mesh_json, figscale=10)
plot_bool(value_name, colour)

Plots boolean values from the mesh json file. :param value_name: The name of the boolean value to plot. :type value_name: str :param colour: The colour to plot the value in. :type colour: str

plot_cmap(value_name, colourmap)

Plots colourmap values from the mesh json file. :param value_name: The name of the colourmap value to plot. :type value_name: str :param colourmap: The colourmap to plot the value in. :type colourmap: str


Saves the plot to a file. :param filename: The name of the file to save the plot to. :type filename: str