Thickness Dataloader

Thickness values were taken from the paper ‘Thickness distribution of Antarctic sea ice’ (Worby, A.P. et al.).

Name in config: 'thickness'

Data is generated using the values from this paper, and so no data file is available for download.

class meshiphi.dataloaders.lut.thickness.ThicknessDataLoader(bounds, params)
class Region(name, geometry, value_dict, seasons={1: 'su', 2: 'su', 3: 'au', 4: 'au', 5: 'au', 6: 'wi', 7: 'wi', 8: 'wi', 9: 'sp', 10: 'sp', 11: 'sp', 12: 'su'})

Data storage object with region boundary as polygon, seasonal sea ice densities, and a dict mapping from integer month to season

__init__(name, geometry, value_dict, seasons={1: 'su', 2: 'su', 3: 'au', 4: 'au', 5: 'au', 6: 'wi', 7: 'wi', 8: 'wi', 9: 'sp', 10: 'sp', 11: 'sp', 12: 'su'})

Returns the sea ice density for a given month, taking into account seasons per hemisphere


month (int) – Month as an integer (1 = Jan … 12 = Dec)


Sea Ice Density in the specified season

Return type:



Creates a simulated dataset of sea ice thickness based on scientific literature.


bounds (Boundary) – Initial boundary to limit the dataset to


Sea Ice thickness dataset within limits of bounds. DataFrame has coordinates ‘date’, ‘geometry’, and variable ‘thickness’

Return type:

thickness_df (pd.DataFrame)