List of data available

Please find here the list of data published on The UK Polar Data Centre catalogue:


Lythe, M., Vaughan, D., BEDMAP 1, consortia, Fremand, A., & Bodart, J. (2022). BEDMAP1 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised data points (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Lythe, M., Vaughan, D., BEDMAP 1, consortia, Fremand, A., & Bodart, J. (2022). BEDMAP1 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised shapefiles and geopackages (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.


Fretwell, P., Fremand, A., Bodart, J., Pritchard, H., Vaughan, D., Bamber, J., Barrand, N., Bell, R. E., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R., Blankenship, D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Callens, D., Conway, H., Cook, A., Corr, H., Damaske, D., Damn, V., … Zirizzotti, A. (2022). BEDMAP2 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised data points (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Fretwell, P., Pritchard, H., Vaughan, D., Bamber, J., Barrand, N., Bell, R. E., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R., Blankenship, D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Callens, D., Conway, H., Cook, A., Corr, H., Damaske, D., Damn, V., Ferraccioli, F., Forsberg, R., … Bodart, J. (2022). BEDMAP2 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised shapefiles and geopackages (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Fretwell, P., Pritchard, H., Vaughan, D., Bamber, J., Barrand, N., Bell, R. E., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R., Blankenship, D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Callens, D., Conway, H., Cook, A., Corr, H., Damaske, D., Damn, V., Ferraccioli, F., Forsberg, R., … Zirizzotti, A. (2022). BEDMAP2 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - gridding products (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.


Fremand, A., Fretwell, P., Bodart, J., Pritchard, H., Aitken, A., Bamber, J., Bell, R. E., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R., Blankenship, D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Corr, H., Cui, X., Damaske, D., Damn, V., Drews, R., … Zirizzotti, A. (2022). BEDMAP3 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised data points (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Fretwell, P., Pritchard, H., Fremand, A., Bodart, J., Aitken, A., Bamber, J., Bell, R. E., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R., Blankenship, D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Corr, H., Cui, X., Damaske, D., Damn, V., Drews, R., … Zirizzotti, A. (2022). BEDMAP3 - Ice thickness, bed and surface elevation for Antarctica - standardised shapefiles and geopackages (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.