BSOSE Depth Dataloader

B-SOSE (Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate solution) provide a publicly available dataset that hosts (amongst other products) sea ice concentration (SIC) of the southern ocean. Their SIC product provides a ‘depth’ value, which this dataloader ingests. BSOSE is an extension of the SOSE project led by Mazloff at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

From their website:

The Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE) is a model-generated best fit to Southern Ocean observations. As such, it provides a quantitatively useful climatology of the mean-state of the Southern Ocean.

Name in config: 'bsose_depth'

Data can be downloaded from here

Note: This dataloader may not work “as is” for new data downloaded, it has been internally collated into a more easily ingestable format.

class meshiphi.dataloaders.scalar.bsose_depth.BSOSEDepthDataLoader(bounds, params)

Reads in data from a BSOSE Depth NetCDF file. Renames coordinates to ‘lat’ and ‘long’, and renames variable to ‘elevation’


bounds (Boundary) – Initial boundary to limit the dataset to


BSOSE Depth dataset within limits of bounds. Dataset has coordinates ‘lat’, ‘long’, and variable ‘elevation’

Return type:
