Binary GRF Dataloader

The binary GRF dataloader is the same as the Scalar GRF The only difference is that instead of returning a dataframe that consists of values between the min/max set in the config, this dataframe will contain only True/False. It is useful for generating land masks.

Default parameters for binary/mask GRF dataloader
    "loader": "binary_grf",
        "data_name": "data",    # - Name of the data column
        "seed":       None,     # - Seed for random number generator. Must
                                #   be int or None. None sets a random seed
        "size":       512,      # - Number of datapoints per lat/long axis
        "alpha":      3,        # - Power of the power-law momentum
                                #   distribution used to generate GRF
        "min":        0,        # - Minimum value of GRF
        "max":        1,        # - Maximum value of GRF
        "binary":     True,     # - Flag specifying this GRF is a binary mask
        "threshold":  0.5       # - Value around which mask values are set.
                                #   Below this, values are set to False
                                #   Above this, values are set to True

Name in config: 'binary_grf'

See the Scalar GRF page for documentation on the dataloader