Scalar GRF Dataloader

Produces a gaussian random field of scalar values, useful for producing artificial, yet somewhat realistic values for real-world variables.

Name in config: 'scalar_grf'

Can be used to generate binary masks.

For vector fields, see the Vector GRF page.

Default parameters for scalar GRF dataloader.
    "loader": "scalar_grf",
        "data_name": "data",    # - Name of the data column
        "seed":       None,     # - Seed for random number generator. Must
                                #   be int or None. None sets a random seed
        "size":       512,      # - Number of datapoints per lat/long axis
        "alpha":      3,        # - Power of the power-law momentum
                                #   distribution used to generate GRF
        "binary":     False,    # - Flag specifying this GRF isn't a binary mask
        "threshold":  [0, 1],   # - Caps of min/max values to ensure normalising
                                #   not skewed by outlier in randomised GRF
        "min":        -10,      # - Minimum value of GRF
        "max":        10,       # - Maximum value of GRF
        "multiplier": 1,        # - Multiplier for entire dataset
        "offset":     0         # - Offset for entire dataset

NOTE: min/max are set BEFORE multiplier and offset are used. The actual values for the min and max are

actual_min = multiplier * min + offset
actual_max = multiplier * max + offset

The dataloader is implemented as follows:

class meshiphi.dataloaders.scalar.scalar_grf.ScalarGRFDataLoader(bounds, params)

Set default values for abstract GRF dataloaders, starting by including defaults for scalar dataloaders.


params (dict) – Dictionary containing attributes that are required for the shape being loaded. Must include ‘shape’.


Dictionary of attributes the dataloader will require, completed with default values if not provided in config.

Return type:



Creates data in the form of a Gaussian Random Field


bounds (Boundary) – Initial boundary to limit the dataset to


Scalar dataset within limits of bounds. Dataset has coordinates ‘lat’, ‘long’, and variable name ‘data’.

NOTE - In __init__, variable name will be set to data_name if defined in config

Return type:
