Scalar GRF Dataloader
Produces a gaussian random field of scalar values, useful for producing artificial, yet somewhat realistic values for real-world variables.
Name in config: 'scalar_grf'
Can be used to generate binary masks.
For vector fields, see the Vector GRF page.
"loader": "scalar_grf",
"data_name": "data", # - Name of the data column
"seed": None, # - Seed for random number generator. Must
# be int or None. None sets a random seed
"size": 512, # - Number of datapoints per lat/long axis
"alpha": 3, # - Power of the power-law momentum
# distribution used to generate GRF
"binary": False, # - Flag specifying this GRF isn't a binary mask
"threshold": [0, 1], # - Caps of min/max values to ensure normalising
# not skewed by outlier in randomised GRF
"min": -10, # - Minimum value of GRF
"max": 10, # - Maximum value of GRF
"multiplier": 1, # - Multiplier for entire dataset
"offset": 0 # - Offset for entire dataset
NOTE: min/max are set BEFORE multiplier and offset are used. The actual values for the min and max are
actual_min = multiplier * min + offset
actual_max = multiplier * max + offset
The dataloader is implemented as follows:
- class meshiphi.dataloaders.scalar.scalar_grf.ScalarGRFDataLoader(bounds, params)
- add_default_params(params)
Set default values for abstract GRF dataloaders, starting by including defaults for scalar dataloaders.
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Dictionary containing attributes that are required for the shape being loaded. Must include ‘shape’.
- Returns:
Dictionary of attributes the dataloader will require, completed with default values if not provided in config.
- Return type:
- import_data(bounds)
Creates data in the form of a Gaussian Random Field
- Parameters:
bounds (Boundary) – Initial boundary to limit the dataset to
- Returns:
Scalar dataset within limits of bounds. Dataset has coordinates ‘lat’, ‘long’, and variable name ‘data’.
NOTE - In __init__, variable name will be set to data_name if defined in config
- Return type: